Today I spent the whole day working on my Powerpoint. Xiang reviewed my Powerpoint over the weekend and suggested some changes that I make, which I did. The largest change that I made was introducing my risk matrix methodology and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of it instead of simply jumping right into it without any explanation.
Our risk group spent a couple of hours presenting our modules to each other and making suggestions on how we can improve our presentations. I took the suggested changes into account. I appreciated the discussion that I had with my group members over the risk methodology framework that I employed, specifically with regards to how I ranked the risk factors.
Tomorrow I will continue to work on my Powerpoint, beginning my modules on risk mitigation and the case studies if I have time. I will also continue reading literature where I find it necessary to fill in any gaps in my knowledge and research. Within the next couple of days I hope to have my risk mitigation module finished.
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